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Dirty water is deadlier than water scarcity...

This is a tragic statistic that is all too true in Northern Niger, where infant mortality is among the highest in the world. One in 5 children dies before the age of 5.



le sable


Drinking water


It is estimated that the lack of access to safe water, hygiene, and sanitation is responsible for 80% of deaths in children under 5. One of our main priorities is to build community wells in the villages in order to ensure access to drinking water. Local healthcare workers offer sanitation and hygiene training, making it possible to reduce infant mortality rates where we build these wells.


Access to healthcare for all is now ensured in the Valley by 2 nurses at the Boudari dispensary. As the only integrated health center in the area, it offers quality care to the inhabitants of the Valley closer to their homes; they no longer need to travel all the way to Agadez.

It is actively saving lives, and mortality rates are improving in the Valley. A true haven of peace, this center is also the place where residents come to learn about hygiene, newborn health, STD prevention, and much more.

 This dispensary is essential for the 16,000 inhabitants. Its stock of drugs is renewed regularly.


In Intawagré, 200km south of Agadez, a “healthcare outpost” has been operational since late 2020. Its inauguration was eagerly awaited as it will be crucial to the populations of this landlocked region.


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